Sunday 21 June 2020

What for do I love my father / cherished memories

  1. Riding on the bike seated behind him - to the chor bazar in Mumbai every so often, to Pune and watching lighting of buildings in Mumbai during Republic day celebrations.
  2. His untiring support to encourage my many workshop activities.
  3. Providing avenues to learn, study and be well educated.
  4. Introducing me to persons of senior management levels in the corporate.
  5. Helping and nurturing me to build a strong, robust, well formed impressive personality.
  6. Helping me be the man I an today - achiever on very many fronts, successful and accomplished.
  7. Being able to face life as it comes.
  8. Standing firm for my beliefs and values.
  9. Identifying my strengths and weaknesses and promoting strengths and giving clues how to get over weaknesses.
  10. Being able to communicate ideas clearly.

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