Friday 31 July 2020

My Inspirations in Life

As a person - My Youngest uncle.

Being Skilled - My 4th Uncle and Mr Mhatre.

Being Upright - My Dad.

Being Hardworking - My Mother.

Being Sharp - Mr. Bhiwandkar.

Being Respecting - Mr. Pickle and Mr. Desai.

English Language - Mr. Deshpande.

Being Wise - Mr. Bhatia.

Multi-talent - Mr. Mhatre.

Being Unassuming - Mr. Sawant.

Being Polished - Mr. Ohri, Mr. Subramaniam.

Being Simplistic - Fr. George Kandathil.

Scholasticism - My Great Grandfather.

My legal accumen - My Grandpa, Solicitor Bhide.

Doing Social Good - My Mother.

Being Motivating Mr. Bakshi Dutta.

Becoming Realised - Ramana Maharshi, Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Nisargadatta Maharaj.

Putting Philosophy Simplistically - Papaji.

Being a Good Person - Mr. Parvez Kazi, Mr.  A.M Khan.

Thursday 30 July 2020

Managing Weaknesses. Boosting Capacity for Conviction, Commitment and Determination.

A prominent weakness is to fall a prey to urges, drives and impulses. They show up as cravings. None of us are free of them.

Here are some examples:

  1. Reaching out to check the handphone.
  2. Reflex replying.
  3. Retort to someone's statement.
  4. Waiting to give back.
  5. Teaching someone something.
  6. Hunger pranks.
  7. Having a chocholate, sweet, bite.
  8. Brain originating thirst.
  9. Doing something else before completing the job or work in hand.
  10. Sudden change in plans or activities.
  11. Buying things by flight of imagination or need.
  12. Irresistable desire to talk to someone.
  13. Wanting affection, care or love.
  14. Go out somewhere for a while.
  15. Push another to do something for us.

There is a way to get free of them. This by patiently waiting, delaying and postponing fulfilling them. Their peak pressure lasts for fifteen minutes at most. Their overpowering influence progressively loses its strength when we resist / postpone instant gratification.

The urge increases when we tell ourselves “I should not . . . . . . . or I should not be . . . . . . or I must . . . . . “

There are at least four ways which work well:

  1. Watching the overpowering at work much like we watch a wrestling match or tense moments when that one run matters in a cricket match and not falling for it.
  2. Breathing deeply giving up on every out breath by saying this : “the pressure is going, going, gone.
  3. Telling our mind this: “Hey my mind. I know you can do it. Just give up this thought. Good.”
  4. Diverting attention or sublimating - converting the urge into a desire for something constructive like cleaning something, tidying something, having a face wash, washing hands, wiping the face with wet hands.

The reward is very empowering. How? It increases the strength of an aspect of our personality - the Freudian Ego, the Bernian Adult, our Sane Self. This adds to our capacity to achieve whatever we decide by increasing commitment and determination.

Tuesday 28 July 2020

In Praise of Brahmins


Is being a Brahmin  in India good or bad?

This is what Adhoot Mohite, B.Tech (Civil  Engineering) recently wrote  :-

I am not a Brahmin, I am a Maratha but I think I can give an answer based on my observations of the last few years !!!

Being a Brahmin in today's India is like being a Jew in Germany in the 1930's !!!

Jews were a very small percentage of Germany's population, and were blamed for all problems of the German society !!!

The same thing is happening in India today!!! Brahmins are being made scapegoat for all the problems of Indian society, this despite thwy being a very small percentage of the population !!!

Brahmins are not rich or powerful. Most of them are from the middle class like everybody else.  Many of them are poor priests who earn a living by conducting religious ceremonies like marriage !!!
Brahmins are not covered under any reservations nor are they given any special status nor subsidies by the government !!! As yet they are blamed for everything !!!

Communists, Islamic radicals and all anti-Hindu groups of are constantly bashing and hating Brahmins !!! They are being made scapegoats for everything like the jews were made in Germany !!!

Adi Shankaracharya, a brahmin from Kerala, revived the Vedic religion with his sheer will, intelligence and debating power !!!

It were the Brahmins who preserved and saved the knowledge of Vedas, Upnishads, Brahma Sutras, Bhagvad Gita through the 1000 year slavery of Islamic invaders and British colonialists !!!

They were the Brahmins who kept (and are still keeping) the Sanskrit language alive !!!
The person who spread the Maratha empire to its maximum size and destroyed the Mughal empire was a Brahmin (Bajirao Peshwa) !!!

Brahmins are the links that are connecting us to the ancient Vedic civilization !!! Without Brahmins, the Vedic civilization would have died like the Persian, Greek, Egyptian, Roman and many other dead civilizations !!!

Hindus of all castes fought to save our religion, but Brahmins were the ones who saved the core texts and traditions of Vedic Dharma !!!

There is a saying in english “To kill a snake, cut it's head off !!!” Similarly, to kill Hindu religion, destroy all Brahmins !!!

The anti-Hindu forces in India know this and that is why they are going after Brahmins like Nazis went after Jews in the 40s !!!

A lot of people are bringing up the issue that low castes have been mistreated by Brahmins in the past !!! That's true and I oppose caste discrimination !!! But everyone ignores that all Hindus, Buddhists, Jains have been treated in a worse manner by Islamic rulers !!! Brahmins never led genocidal campaigns against anyone like the Islamic invaders did !!!

Brahmins were only powerful in the early Vedic period 2500 years ago !!! After birth of Buddhism in 500 BC, Indians rejected the authority of Brahmins and slowly converted to Buddhism !!!

Buddhism was majority religion for a long time until 8th century when Shankaracharya revived the Vedic religion !!!

Only 200 years after that, the Islamic invasions started and india bacame a colony of Islamic rulers !!! The British colonialists quickly took over all the power after the end of Mughal empire !!!

Brahmins have not been in position of power for last 1000 years in India !!!

All political, economic and administrative power was consolidated in the hands of Islamic emperors and then the British !!!

The poverty and inequality in today's India is result of colonialism and capitalism !!!

Why are Brahmins being blamed for conditions created by foreign invaders and colonialists ?

The current generation Brahmins are least bothered about what others feel about Brahmins since they mind their own business !!!

They have become successful worldwide sans India !!! They have even earned a niche in Massachusetts !!! The Brahmins of Boston is a popular adage to address the upper echelons !!!  

They are very successful entrepreneurs !!! 
They are in key positions in numerous parastatal organisations and MNCs !!! The new genertaion of Brahmins migrate to  various corners of the world and carve their own niche in their field of expertise !!!
Brahmins live in peace and shun violence !!!

Keep going guys !!! We need you.

Thoughts that will make you smile

Some humours thoughts
I asked my new girlfriend what sort of books she's interested in.
She said - Cheque books.

The easiest way to make 
your old car run better, 
is to check the prices of new car.
Q: What's the difference between a good lawyer and a great lawyer?
A: A good lawyer knows the law. 
A great lawyer knows the judge.
Definition of Nurse :  
A beautiful woman who holds your hand for one full minute and then expects your pulse to be normal.
Boss:- We are very keen on cleanliness. 
Did you wipe your feet on the mat as you came in?
New employee: Yes, sir.
Boss: We are also keen on truthfulness. There is no mat.

Q: Why dogs don't marry?
A:  Because they are already leading a dog's life!
Q: What's the similarity 
between mother & wife?
A: One woman brings you into the world crying & the other ensures you continue to do so.

What's the difference between a good secretary and a personal secretary?

One says "Good morning, boss". 
The other says "It's morning, boss." 

 Keep smiling!!

Saturday 25 July 2020

How to be a happy, satisfied person

Maintain a log book about all people with whom you interact with, on a day to day basis.

Allocate one sheet for each of them. I am sure you will need ten sheets. Remember the first sheet is for yourself and the remaining in descending order of importance and affect. Now you are done.

Write one good thought about each of them for every single complaint you have about them.

1. Who they are
2. How they are
3. What they do
4. Why they do
5. Its benefit for me

By the time you finish one page for each you will have no grudge or complaint.

You will be a changed person.

Making Love Flower

Love flowers when we implement these activities.

  1. Noticing
  2. Recognising
  3. Saying a word
  4. Caring
  5. Becoming accepting
  6. Being of help
  7. Being kind and loving
  8. Being giving
  9. Being non expecting
  10. Ignoring variant behaviour

They create room for love to flower.

Becoming Competent

  1. By seeking opportunities to be a better me.
  2. By being more appreciative less concluding.
  3. By becoming free of being judgemental.
  4. Learning something new every day.
  5. By accepting our mistakes and remedying them.
  6. By accepting ourselves as we are then working to achieve improvements.
  7. By reflecting constructively.
  8. By upping motor skills.
  9. By learning new methods of problem solving.
  10. By learning to build and nurture relationships.
  11. By solving at least two puzzles a day.
  12. By consciously knowing what we are engaged in at least ten times a day.
  13. By improving the quality of our communications.
  14. By using I more often than you.
  15. By using non violent communication model to obtain our needs.
  16. Being appreciative of others’ compulsions.
  17. Accepting that new challenges will keep on being thrown at us and not to be surprised by them.
  18. By becoming progressively competent in ending mind talk and emotional logjams.

Friday 24 July 2020

Which Headaches need Investigation

These headaches need investigation and immediate medical attention when accompanied by any of the following symptoms:
  1. Drowsiness
  2. Confusion
  3. Memory Problems
  4. A fever
  5. Unexplained
  6. Migraine
  7. Nausea
  8. Vomiting
  9. Difficulty speaking
  10. Numbness or tingling
  11. Sensitivity to light and sound.

Life to present age - My parents and me

I had a happy childhood. I was a little stressed about my future during my teenage years. I was focused to study and make it to graduation so that then I would no more be a burden to my father. I adored both my father and my mother all through my life. There was never a conflict between them. There was nothing like love and all that for we had no knowledge of those things. We lived as a biological whole family of five members.

I struggled to make life work for me through my years from 20 to 30. My relationship with my parents was adiaphorous (neither good nor bad) though they loved us much throughout our life.

I was committed to progress in my career through 30 to 60. I was responsible toward my parents and my family through those years.

I made it to be non working actively post my age of 55. I lost my father when I was 32 and mother when I was 58. I responsibly looked after my mother through to her death.

I learnt a lot both from my father and my mother. From my father in terms of values, assuming responsibility, knowledge, learning and wisdom and from my mother about hard work, love, affection, caring, patience perfection, self-control and restraint.

All in all I lived a happy life with my parents. I love them both immensely. I do not mind being born to them again and live the same years of growth with them.

I consider myself a blessed person.

Thursday 23 July 2020

Solving Mind Problems

A majority of mental problems relate to things that can be relieved by good self management practices and are not really matters of the mind. 90% of mind problems are matters related to personality anomalies (anomaly = deviations from normal or defects). Here is a list of common cases

  1. Struggle, indecision confusion.
  2. Delusion and Paranoia.
  3. Managing Stress.
  4. Overcoming Grief.
  5. No meaning in life.
  6. Hurt relationships.
  7. Misunderstandings and allegations.
  8. High expectations.
  9. Incompatibility.
  10. Feeling bad, sad, angry, fearful.
  11. Motivation related.
  12. Success and failure.
  13. Infidelity and waywardness.
  14. Habits and addictions.
  15. Co-dependency issues.
  16. Compulsive behaviours.
  17. I am not loved, cared, looked after well.
  18. I persecuted, mal-treated, victimised.
  19. I feel lost.
  20. I don't know what to do.
  21. Sexual incompatibility.
  22. General incompatibility.
  23. Work-life integration related.
  24. I cannot satisfy the other.
  25. Self image related.

Cases requiring psychotherapy

  1. Autism Spectrum Disorder
  2. Schizophrenia
  3. Bipolar disorder
  4. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  5. Anxiety Disorder
  6. Phobias
  7. Substance abuse
  8. Eating Disorders
  9. Personality Disorders
  10. Mood Disorder
  11. Depression
  12. Irrational Behaviours
  13. Aggression, Abusive behaviours and injury causing
  14. Assault
  15. Sexual abuse

Spiritual Progress Defined

The more we persevere to accept life, people and the world as it is, the more we become evolved.

This is the first step to make spiritual progress.

Observations and Conclusions

Observations are what we make, conclusions are what we draw. There are unbiased when they are objective. They are biased when based on one's beliefs. They are bland when they are not evoking feelings in self or others.

How to improve ourself

  1. By assuming responsibility for our thinking, feelings and behaviour.
  2. By seeking opportunities to be a better me.
  3. By being more appreciative less concluding.
  4. By becoming free of being judgemental.
  5. Learning something new every day.
  6. By accepting our mistakes and remedying them.
  7. By accepting ourselves as we are then working to achieve improvements.
  8. By reflecting constructively.
  9. By upping motor skills.
  10. By learning new methods of problem solving.
  11. By learning to build and nurture relationships.
  12. By solving at least two puzzles a day.
  13. By consciously knowing what we are engaged in at least ten times a day.
  14. By improving the quality of our communications.
  15. By using I more often than you.
  16. By using non violent communication model to obtain our needs.
  17. Being appreciative of others’ compulsions.
  18. Accepting that new challenges will keep on being thrown at us and not to be surprised by them.
  19. By becoming progressively competent in ending mind talk and emotional logjams.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Living without a bucket list

I was not a dreamer. I am down to earth. But now that you ask here is my bucket list. It was formulated when I was barely fifteen years old.

  1. What is God?
  2. What should be man's goal in life?
  3. Why do human beings suffer?
  4. What one thing when acquired or achieved no more acquisition is necessary.
  5. Which are the most valued assets of an individual.

All the goals were achieved five years back. No there is no item left. So now my living is based on a frame structured by:

  1. Be nobody.
  2. Do nothing.
  3. Go nowhere.
  4. Achieve nothing.
  5. Enjoy wholeness.

Why are children weak in Math

Peer pressure is ara why students under perform in math. They are unable to cope up with the pressure to perform in school. Eventually, the student's ability to perform well in mathematics gets hampered forever. Students may not say so but, in reality, they are scared of the subject and in time become anxious at it mention.

Other reasons

  1. Student attitude and orientation
  2. Method of teaching and presenting the subject
  3. Disconnect between subject and students
  4. Self doubt
  5. Low IQ for Math - there are 9 to 12 types of IQs
  6. Attention span deficit, other interests because of boredom and not made interesting
  7. Not understanding mathematical signs and symbols and their operative functions
  8. Teacher Student ratio and teacher attitude toward job and beliefs about some students or student types
  9. Teacher not well versed in the subject
  10. Parental deficiencies in helping the child
  11. Accessibility of text books

Source Manage Better with Smart Education Software Solutions - Edsys

Also read at How Teachers Can Help School Students With Anxiety - Edsys to help child improve.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Components of Voice in Communication

Our voice has the following components - choice of words, sentence structures, use of adjectives and adverbs, breaks and pauses, rhythm, pace, volume and tone mainly. Each of the 10 mees has a combination of these components of voice. One of them becomes active matching the role we move into - perceiving the other complyingly or threateningly or nurturingly or helpingly or sanely or manipulatingly or one of many other possibilities.

The Many Me-s (Mees) in Me

One can easily identify / associate with one of these mees.
  1. Controlling Me
  2. Persecuting Me
  3. Helping Assisting Me
  4. Rescuing Me
  5. Age Appropriate Adult Me
  6. Urges, impulses, drives driven self.
  7. Creative, innovative, out of the box thinking, magical thinking unencumbered Me.
  8. Rebellious non complying, rules breaking Me.
  9. Adapting compliant, complying, extra courteous, pleasing Me.
  10. A Me that take me to my doom.

Jal Neti. Its Benefits.

Jal Neti is a practice to irrigate nasal cavities and keep them free of infections. It is also useful for treating sinus infections.

It benefits by killing infections in nasal cavities. It keeps the nostrils dry through the day. It is a ‘to do' infection preventer for Covid19. Read here Covid 19 Prevention Mangeshkar Hospital Story how this 800 bed hospital in Pune had no / almost no infection among medical staff treating Covid 19 Patients.

Use a proper bottle for doing it. Here is one that is sold on Amazon for Rs. 188 a pair. It is called a neti pot.

Next learn the technique. The best one I learnt from was this video on YouTube.

How to do Jal Neti YouTube Video

Next you need to remember to blow each nostril ten times before doing neti using kapal-bhati as the technique. Close one nostril and blow nose using only abdominal compression to blow air out.

Next blow air out through both nostrils against back of the hand. Do irrigation first through the nostril that has less air blown out.

Then blow out through both nostrils kapal-bhati style ten times.

It takes upto 15 days to master the technique.

  1. Bend body at knees.
  2. Bend body at waist leaning forward.
  3. Twist head one way keeping top of the head way higher than chin.
  4. Insert neti spout into nostril
  5. Raise the elbow
  6. Water starts draining automatically through the other nostril.

Use pre-boiled water. I use the full-on heated hot water from geyser. Collect in a glass and use it after bath for neti. Its temperature should be a little higher than the temperature of our tears.

Pictures that will bring a smile on your face.

Here are few pictures which automatically put a smile on my face .

1. Health matters after all.

2. Proper balancing is not a joke !

3. Hi- tech sleep.

4. Catwalk on the ground.

5. Picture proof that Sachin is always a cricketer.

6. Shade alignment.

7. It doesn't matter where to bow, real value lies in bowing.

8. It isn't that tough to start a friendship.

9. A child can what the elders can't.

10. The best hairdresser in the world is the elder sibling.

11. Palpable quest for learning.

12. No love is greater than mom's love.

13. Rich or poor, able or differently abled, a dad is always best.

14. Where there is a will,there is a way.

Picture credit :

Vijay Kumar Dewan Blog, Facebook.

Source Quora Post with > than 26k views.

Monday 20 July 2020

Reasons why Silence is Golden

  • We use words to communicate. The words we use and their order in the sentence significantly changes the content of communication. By doing so we add value to communication. But when we use silence the value of the communication is enhanced many times over.
  • Many times a discussion reaches a dead end. Then we can rather use silence than words to express frustration.
  • Silence communicates more than words : like when we would have said don't be stupid, or don't be a fool, or are you sure you mean to say what just did, or are you in your senses, or take back your words - silence says more.
  • Silence helps to calm down a situation. It therefore has more power than using a hundred words.
  • Silence helps to calm down a situation for it can be used to express love, affection, compassion, gratitude and even sorrow.
  • Silence is used to express shock. It then says : I have no words to respond. Bye.
  • Parents use silence accompanied by a stern look to tell a child to roll up socks and behave well.
  • Silence is used by bosses in an office to wave off someone. You have done enough or irreparable damage. Now get lost.
  • Silence is used by bosses in office to say I am engaged in more serious work. We'll speak later.
  • Teachers use silence to either tick right an answer a student gives or to tick off the answer.
  • Silence is used as a powerful communication when drivers of two vehicles step out look at the damage and move away to say one of many things : it is insignificant or don't mind my fault or what the hell, but I'll manage or what can we do.

Realisation of Brahman

The manifestation of the creative principle Brahman

Take this as an example: On sprouting there is increase in nutritional content of pulses. Here is a sample table. Do you notice that by supplying water, minerals increase - Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Iron and Phosphorus. So creation of something occurs from nothing. This is the expression of omnipotence of the universal being - this being is not to be mixed with human being. The universal being is pure existence encompassing even space into it. We are also an expression of the being of that universal existence. The you and I are bodily seperations.

It was this table that gave me the first vision (Sakshatkar) of Brahman the universal God roughly 10 years back.

Energy content - calories < by 15%

Carbohydrate content < by 15%

Protein > by 30 %

Calcium > by 34 %

Potassium > by 80 %

Sodium > by 690 %

Iron > by 40 %

Phosphorous > by 56 %

Vitamin A > by 285 %

Vitamin B1 > by 208 %

Vitamin B2 > by 515 %

Vitamin B3 >by 256 %

Vitamin C > by infinite increase

Problem Solving

Steps in problem solving

Most complex problems are resolved when we are patient and we give up our locus on the issue.

These questions also help:

  1. What is the problem.
  2. How does it affect me / us / them.
  3. What are the things I can do to resolve the problem.
  4. How will I know behaviorally, monetarily, production wise, sales wise that a solution in hand.
  5. Who are the people from whom I can seek support and help.
  6. When will I start.

Saturday 18 July 2020

पुस्तकें वाचण्याचे फायदे

पुस्तकें वाचल्याने होते ते काय?

१) भिकाऱ्यात पण माणुस दिसायला लागतो.
२) चोरामध्ये चोरी करण्याचे कारण दिसायला लागते.
3) प्रेम आणि वासना यातला फरक कळायला लागतो.
४) एखाद्याची चुक झाल्यावर त्याला माफ करण्याची ताकद येते.
५) कोणत्या ठिकाणी बोलावे आणि कुठे बोलु नये हे कळते.
६) चाकु, बंदुक यांच्यापेक्षा शब्द जास्त तीक्ष्ण असतात हे समजते.
७) आई वडीलांची किंमत कळायला लागते.
८) ब्रेकअप, घटस्फोट, जवळच्या व्यक्तीचे मरण…. या गोष्टी म्हणजे पुर्ण जीवन संपले हा गैरसमज दुर होतो.
९) या गोष्टी पण इतर गोष्टी सारख्याच सामान्य वाटायला लागतात.
१०) प्राण्यांबद्दल आपुलकी वाटायला लागते.
११) सोशल मिडिया वर हासऱ्या चेहऱ्याचे फोटोज् टाकुण खुश आहेत असं दाखवणारे लोक खऱ्या आयुष्यात किती दुःखी आहेत हे समजते.
१२) कलाकार चित्रपटात नाटक/काम करतात. खऱ्या आयुष्यात पण खुप नाटकं करणारी कलाकार आपल्या जवळ असतात हे पण समजते.
१३) या जगात १% चांगली लोक आहेत आणि १% वाईट लोक आहेत.राहीलेले आपण सर्व फक्त अनुयायी आहोत, काहीजण चांगल्या लोकांचे अनुकरण करून चांगले होतात तर काहीजण वाईट लोकांचे अनुकरण करून वाईट होतात,
हे पण समजते.
१४) प्रोत्साहनामुळे हरलेला व्यक्ति जिंकु शकतो, हे समजायला लागते.
१५) हारल्यावर किंवा नापास झाल्यावर आत्महत्येचा विचार पण मनात येत नाही.
१६) जिवन जगण्याची नवी उमेद,एक ऊर्जा निर्माण होते.
१७) आयुष्याच्या प्रति संवेदनशील भावना निर्माण होते.
१८) एकमेकांच्या सुख:दुःख ची तीव्रता कळते.
१९) करोडोची संपत्ती असणाऱ्या मध्ये गरिब तसेच दिवसाचे २००/- कमवणाऱ्यामध्ये श्रीमंत दिसायला लागतो...!
२०) आयुष्य खऱ्या अर्थाने सुंदर करण्यासाठी संघर्ष करण्याची प्रेरणा देतं.

चला मग आयुष्य सुंदर आणि सक्षम करण्यासाठी जसं होईल तसं वेळ काढून पुस्तकं वाचूया जेणें करून आपलं जीवन अर्थपूर्ण आणि समृद्ध बनेल!

हिंदी भाषांतरण

जब हम बहुत सारी किताबें पढ़ते हैं तो क्या होता है?

1) एक भिखारी लेकिन एक आदमी दिखाई देने लगता है।
2) चोरी करने का कारण चोर में दिखाई देता है।
3) प्यार और वासना के बीच अंतर को समझा जाने लगता है।
4) जब कोई गलती करता है, तो उसके पास क्षमा करने की शक्ति होती है।
5) जानता है कि कहाँ बोलना है और कहाँ नहीं बोलना है।
6) समझता है कि शब्द चाकू और बंदूकों की तुलना में तेज हैं।
7) माता और पिता के मूल्य को जाना जाने लगा।
8) ब्रेकअप, तलाक, किसी प्रियजन की मौत।  एक पूर्ण जीवन के अंत के बारे में ये गलत धारणाएं दूर हो गई हैं।
9) ये चीजें अन्य चीजों की तरह ही सामान्य लगती हैं।
10) जानवरों से लगाव होने लगा है।
11) सोशल मीडिया पर मुस्कुराते चेहरे की तस्वीरें ऐसे लोगों को दिखाती हैं जो खुश हैं और समझते हैं कि वास्तविक जीवन में वे कितने दुखी हैं।
12) अभिनेता फिल्मों में नाटक / काम करते हैं।  वास्तविक जीवन में, हम यह भी समझते हैं कि हमारे पास ऐसे अभिनेता हैं जो बहुत सारे नाटक करते हैं।
13) इस दुनिया में १% अच्छे लोग और १% बुरे लोग हैं। हममें से बाकी लोग सिर्फ अनुयायी हैं, कुछ अच्छे लोगों की नकल करके अच्छे बन जाते हैं और कुछ बुरे लोगों की नकल करके बुरे बन जाते हैं, यह भी समझता है।
14) यह समझा जाता है कि एक हारे हुए व्यक्ति को प्रोत्साहन के कारण जीत मिल सकती है।
15) आत्महत्या के विचार खोने या हारने के बाद दिमाग में नहीं आते हैं।
16) जीवन के लिए एक नई आशा, एक ऊर्जा बनती है।
17) जीवन के प्रति संवेदनशील भावनाएं पैदा करता है।
18) हम एक दूसरे के सुख और दुःख को जानते हैं।
19) जिनके पास करोड़ों की संपत्ति है वे गरीब दिखते हैं और जो २०० / - कमाते हैं वह एक दिन अमीर दिखने लगते हैं ...!
20) जीवन को वास्तव में सुंदर बनाने के लिए संघर्ष करने की प्रेरणा देता है।

आइए हम किताबों को पढ़ने के लिए समय निकालें जितना हम जीवन को सुंदर और सक्षम बनाने के लिए कर सकते हैं ताकि हमारा जीवन सार्थक और समृद्ध हो!

Becoming Focused in Studies

Friday 17 July 2020

Reciting Wonderful Abridged

Reciting Wonderful Abridged

The universe is wonderful.
The world is wonderful.
The mother earth is wonderful.
All living forms are wonderful
We the people are wonderful.
I am wonderful.
My life is wonderful. My life is wonderful. My life is wonderful.
My body and its related systems are wonderful.
My life is wonderful. 
Everything falls in place for me.
I live at peace and without stress.
I remain focused in all my activities.
All my tasks proceed unhindered.
Help, assistance, cooperation and consideration
comes to me all the time.
I live a blessed and unperturbed life.

A travel hack from Quora

  1. Skip luxurious hotel rooms over hostels, you can find new friends and have friendships for lifetime.
  2. Don't just interact with the new people you come across, interact with every new place you visit, dig deeper into the history.
  3. Go for public transit over taxis, always.
  4. Use incognito mode of your browser to avoid the raise in the price as the flight booking sites track cookies and hike up prices based on a your actions on the site.
  5. Use Skyscanner to find and compare cheap flight.
  6. Create a packing list, write down all the items you need to bring, and tick the items off once you’ve packed them.
  7. You can use hair straightener to iron your clothes. ( but not steam iron to straighten your hair lol :P )
  8. Limit the number of shoes you bring to save a lot of luggage space, carry only two pairs.
  9. Please carry plastic and ziplock bags.
  10. Always go for light-weight suitcases.
  11. Bring an empty water bottle that you can fill up before getting on the plane, there are times when buying water can get extremely-overpriced.
  12. Carry a mini-first aid kit.
  13. Be Ranbir Kapoor aka Bunny from YJHD when you travel: fly, run, fall…just don't stop…explore off-limits and push yourself out of your comfort zone.
  14. Always choose an accomodation that provides breakfast.
  15. Invest in a good pair of shoes, and be prepared to walk, a lot.
  16. Use offline version of google maps.
  17. Avoid bulky clothing and roll your clothes while packing to save space.
  18. Print your flight/hotel bookings and entire itinerary.
  19. Place cotton wool balls in makeup palettes.
  20. Take a photo of your important documents like passport, tickets and text it to yourself.
  21. Ask the representative to attach a fragile sticker to your bag, when you’re at the check-in counter at your departure airport, this way your suitcase comes out first on the baggage carousel.
  22. Keep a dummy wallet with you, and the real wallet at hidden place.
  23. Don’t put anything in your back pocket or let your phone hang out.