Thursday 19 August 2021

How to be free of mindtalk and emotional logjams.

Ending Mindtalk

Address Mind as follows

Hey my mind. I love you, I like you, I admire you, I adore you. Listen. Please let go of this pre-occupation with mind-talk. Just give it up. Please give it up and return to your state of peace and quietude. I will do the needful in the matter. Thank you.

Freedom from Emotional Log-jams

Address mind as follows:

Hey my mind. I love you, I like you, I admire you, I adore you. Listen. Please let go of this pre-occupation with hyped feeling of <name of feeling / emotion>. Just give it up. Please give it up and return to your state of peace and quietude. I will do the needful in the matter. Thank you.