Monday 1 July 2024

A list of achievers

The heartthrob of the school, is a man grim and somber.

That lanky little girl, is now a weightlifter.

The topper of the class, is a happy homemaker.

Back bencher of the lot, is an entrepreneur.

The flamboyant fashionista, became a dreaded lawyer.

Oft ignored average Joe, turned a well known writer.

The one who failed the math paper, is a fashion designer,

and one who often got to stand outside the class, is a respected army officer.

The reunion teaches us  how, people come with many layers, and tell us  why we should, never judge a book by its cover…

Each child in the schools  is a success story in the making!!  It includes you (us) too.


Every person is a success story in some way or another.

One rarely meets an old buddy at reunions who says he's been unsuccessful.

A full list is in the post that follows.