Monday 1 July 2024

A list of achievers

The heartthrob of the school, is a man grim and somber.

That lanky little girl, is now a weightlifter.

The topper of the class, is a happy homemaker.

Back bencher of the lot, is an entrepreneur.

The flamboyant fashionista, became a dreaded lawyer.

Oft ignored average Joe, turned a well known writer.

The one who failed the math paper, is a fashion designer,

and one who often got to stand outside the class, is a respected army officer.

The reunion teaches us  how, people come with many layers, and tell us  why we should, never judge a book by its cover…

Each child in the schools  is a success story in the making!!  It includes you (us) too.


Every person is a success story in some way or another.

One rarely meets an old buddy at reunions who says he's been unsuccessful.

A full list is in the post that follows.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

A touching story

This is the story of Ashokji and families of his three sons.

His three sons lived separately from him with their families in different cities.

But Ashok ji had made a rule… on Diwali, all three sons used to come to him with their families… how that one week would pass in fun… no one would know anything.

How what happened…it seemed as if their happiness had vanished. Suddenly Sheela ji suffered a heart attack...all her happiness was shattered in one stroke.

The three sons came running after receiving the sad news. After all his last rites everyone gathered in the evening.

The elder daughter-in-law raised the issue, "Babuji, now how will you be able to live here alone, you come with us."

“No daughter-in-law, let it be here for now. It feels like belonging here. In a household with children….” Saying this he became silent.

The elder son wanted to say something, but he silenced him with a hand gesture.

"Children, now your mother has left us forever. She has some things, you all should divide them among yourselves. We will not be able to take care of her now."

Saying this, Ashok ji took out something from the cupboard.

There was a very beautiful silver jewelery in a velvet bag. There was an old wrist watch with a very beautiful gold strap….

Everyone fell upon such beautiful things together.

The younger son said excitedly, "Amma wanted to give this watch to Sarita."

Ashok ji said softly, "And I have already given everything to you all equally. She was very fond of these two things. She used to take them out with great interest sometimes, but now how can I divide her two things among the three of you." ?"

Everyone started looking at each other.

Then the middle son said with great hesitation, "She often talked about giving this adornment to Meera."

But the problem had already arisen. Now Ashok ji was thinking in his mind...what should I give to the elder daughter-in-law??

Perhaps her elder daughter-in-law read her thoughts, "Babuji, you are probably thinking about me. You give the jewelery to Meera and the watch to Sarita... Amma also wanted the same."

"But Nandini, what should I give you... I don't understand?" Ashok ji said.

“You have another precious thing and Amma ji always wanted to give it to me.”

Everyone's mouths remained open in surprise.

Both the daughters-in-law were very surprised and worried… now which precious box will be opened??

Sensing everyone's surprise and trouble, the elder daughter-in-law said smilingly, "Babuji, you yourself are the most precious." Last time Ammaji had told me, "After me, it will be your responsibility to take care of Babuji." Now you just follow his wish and come with us right now without any delay.

Hearing this, Ashok ji's eyes became moist and the eyes of some present there dropped...!!

Friday 7 June 2024

Hinduism - Principles and Disciplines

The 5 Principles and 10 Disciplines of Hinduism

The Basics of Hinduism

The specific principles and disciplines of Hinduism vary with different sects: but there are commonalities which represent the bedrock of the religion, expressed and reflected in the ancient writings of the Vedas. 

Below are brief descriptions of these common principles and disciplines.

5 Principles

The principles of Sanatana Dharma were made to create and maintain the proper working of a society and its members and governors. Regardless of the circumstances, the principles and philosophy of Hinduism remain the same: the ultimate aim of human life is to realize its true form. 

God Exists. According to the Hindu religion, there is only one Absolute Divine, a singular force that joins all facets of existence together known as the Absolute OM (sometimes spelled AUM). This divine is the Lord of All Creation and a universal sound that is heard within every living human being. There are several divine manifestations of the OM, including Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara (Shiva). 

All Human Beings Are Divine. Ethical and moral behavior is considered the most prized pursuit of human life. The soul of an individual (jivatma) is already part of the divine soul (the Paramatma) although it remains in a dormant and deluded condition. It is the sacred mission of all humans to awaken their soul and make it realize its true divine nature. 

The Unity (one-ness / sameness);of Existence.  The seekers aim to be at-oneness with God, not as separate individuals (oneness of self), but rather a closer connection (at-one-ness) with God.

Observing Religious Harmony. The most basic natural law is to remain in harmony with its fellow creatures and the universal.
Knowledge of 3 Gs. The three Gs are the Ganges (the sacred river in India where the cleansing of sins occurs), the Gita (the sacred script of the Bhagavad-Gita), and the Gayatri (a revered, sacred mantra found in the Rig Veda, and also a poem/intonement in the same specific meter).

10 Disciplines (Observances)

The 10 disciplines in Hinduism include five political goals called Yamas or Great Vows, and five personal goals called Niyamas. 

The 5 Great Vows (Yamas) are shared by many Indian philosophies. The Yamas are political goals, in that they are broad-based social and universal virtues in the form of moral restraints or social obligations.  

Satya (Truth) is the principle that equates God with soul. It is the mainstay of the basic moral law of Hinduism: people are rooted in Satya, the greatest truth, unity of all life. One should be truthful; not act fraudulently, be dishonest or a liar in life. Further, a true person does not regret or brood over losses caused by speaking truth. 

Ahimsa (Non-violence) is a positive and dynamic force, that means benevolence or love or goodwill or tolerance (or all of the above) of all living creatures, including the objects of knowledge and various perspectives. 

Brahmacharya (Celibacy, non-adultery) is one of the four great ashrams of Hinduism. The beginning student is to spend the first 25 years of one's life practicing abstinence from the sensual pleasures of life, and instead concentrate on selfless work and study to prepare for life beyond. Brahmacharya means stringent respect of personal boundaries, and the preservation of vital life force; abstinence from wine, sexual congress, meat-eating, consumption of tobacco, drugs, and narcotics. The student instead applies the mind to studies, avoids things that ignite passions, practice silence, 

Asteya (No desire to steal) refers not just to the theft of objects but to refrain from exploitation. Do not deprive others of what is theirs, whether it is things, rights, or perspectives. An upright person earns his or her own way, by dint of hard work, honesty, and fair means.  

Aparigraha (Non-possessiveness) warns the student to live simply, keep only those material things that are required to sustain the demands of daily life. 

The five Niyamas provide the Hindu practitioner with rules to develop the personal discipline essential to follow the spiritual path

Shaucha or Shuddhata (Cleanliness) refers to the internal and external purification of both body and mind. 

Santosh (Contentment) is the conscious reduction of desires, the limiting of attainments and possessions, narrowing down the area and scope of one's desire.

Swadhyaya (Reading of scriptures) refers not just to the reading of the scriptures but the use them to create a neutral, unbiased and pure mind ready to conduct the self-introspection required to create a balance sheet of one's omissions and commissions, overt and covert deeds, successes and failures. 

Tapas/Tapah (Austerity, perseverance, penance) is the performance of physical and mental discipline throughout a life of asceticism. Ascetic practices include observing silence for long periods of time, begging for food, remaining awake at night, sleeping on the ground, being isolated in the forest, standing for a prolonged time, practicing chastity. The practice generates heat, a natural power built into the structure of reality, the essential link between the structure of reality, and the force behind creation. 

Ishwar pradihan (Regular prayers) requires the student to surrender to the will of God, perform every act in a selfless, dispassionate and natural way, accept the good or bad results, and leave the result of one's deeds (one's karma) to God. 

Thursday 6 June 2024

Indira Gandhi Upheld the dignity of the nation.

Indira Gandhi went to the Soviet Union on a state visit as Prime Minister in 1976.

At that time, India's ambassador to Soviet Union was Inder Kumar Gujral.

The Prime Minister of Soviet Union or a minister of that rank did not receive her at the airport as per protocol. 

Seeing that there was no one to welcome her in Soviet Union , Indira Gandhi asked Gujral to take the car to the Indian Embassy.

She interacted with the Indian community esp. the children.

The Kremlin Palace of Moscow was fixed and decorated by Soviet Government for Indiraji. The Soviet Prime Minister on coming to know that a mistake had been committed went to the Indian Embassy instead respectfully took her to the from the Indian Embassy.

The Prime Minister of the Soviet Union apologized to Indira Gandhi. Indira ji told him that "I am not personally angry or angry at all because of your mistake. But as a Prime Minister, while representing 600 million Indians, I have a responsibility to maintain the dignity of my country and the people there, so I took this step ".

I was witness to a similar event in Tripoli, Libya in 1984. The Libyan leader did not go to the airport because the relations with India were strained at the time.

Indira Gandhi kept the plane airborne. The Libyan leader was forced to personally drive to the airport to receive her. He drove her back in his car.

She was a strong and amiable Leader.

Monday 3 June 2024

Why Saturn (Shani) is not represented in horoscopes

The story of Pippalad Composer of Prashna Upanishad

Adapted from post of Chauhan Babu Nath in Quora @ 

When Maharishi Dadhichi's mortal remains were being cremated in the crematorium, his wife could not bear the separation from her husband and committed sati by sitting in the funeral pyre, keeping the 3 year old child in the hollow of the huge Peepal tree located nearby.

In this way, Maharishi Dadhichi and his wife were sacrificed but the child kept in the hollow of Peepal tree started screaming in pain due to hunger and thirst.

When nothing was found, he started growing by eating the Peepal fruits (fruits) that fell in the cavity. Over time, the child's life somehow remained safe by eating Peepal leaves and fruits.

One day Devarshi Narad passed by there. Narad saw the child in the hollow of the Peepal tree and asked about his introduction.

Narad- Child, who are you?

Boy: This is what I also want to know.

Narad- Who is your father?

Boy: This is what I want to know.

Then Narad looked carefully. Narad was surprised and said, O child! You are the son of the great donor Maharishi Dadhichi. The gods were able to conquer the demons by making a thunderbolt from your father's bones. Narad told that your father Dadhichi had died at the age of only 31 years.

Child: What was the reason for my father's untimely death?

Narad- Your father was under the Mahadasha of Shanidev.

Child: What was the reason for the misfortune that befell me?

Narad- Mahadasha of Shanidev.

Having told this, Devarshi Narad named the child Pippalad and initiated him, who lived by eating peepal leaves and saplings.

After Narad's departure, the child Pippalad pleased Lord Brahma by doing severe penance as per Narad's advice. When Brahma ji asked the child Pippalad to ask for a boon, Pippalad asked for the power to burn any thing with just his sight.

After receiving the boon from Lord Brahma, Pippalad first invoked Shani Dev and presented him in front of him and after finding him in front of him, he opened his eyes and started burning them.

Shanidev's body started burning. There was an uproar in the universe. All the gods failed in protecting Suryaputra Shani. Seeing his son burning in front of his eyes, Surya also started pleading with Lord Brahma to save him.

Finally, Brahma ji himself appeared before Pippalad and asked him to leave Shani Dev, but Pippalad was not ready. Brahma ji asked for two boons instead of one. Then Pippalad became happy and asked for the following two boons-

1- There will be no place of Saturn in the horoscope of any child from birth till 5 years of age, so that no other child becomes orphan like me.

2- The Peepal tree has given shelter to me an orphan. Therefore, whoever offers water to the Peepal tree before sunrise will not be affected by the Mahadasha of Saturn.

Lord Brahma gave a boon saying Amen. Then Pippalad freed the burning Shani by hitting his feet with his Brahmadanda. Due to which Shanidev's legs got damaged and he was no longer able to walk as fast as before. Hence, from then on, Shani Dev was called "Shanai Charati Ya Shanaishchara", that is, the one who walks slowly is Shanaishchara, and due to burning in the fire, Shani became black. The body parts were mutilated.

This is the religious reason for worshiping the black idol of Shani and Peepal tree. Later on, Pippalad composed Prashna Upanishad, which is a huge storehouse of knowledge even today...


Jai Jai Shri Ram 🙏🚩


Sunday 2 June 2024

How to achieve being happy

Ravi Venkatesan, Chairman of The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet,
also was UNICEF’s Special Representative for Young People and Innovation and the Founder of the Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship. He serves on the Boards of Rockefeller Foundation, Hitachi Ltd. formerly Chairman of Microsoft India, Bank of Baroda and Cummins India and served as a co-chairman of Infosys Ltd. 
He shares his lessons learning how to be happy in this 3 mins 21 secs video.

*Do spare time and watch it*.